Best Eco-Friendly and Repair-Friendly Laptop, FrameWork Laptop.

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Why aren't laptops made by Apple, Dell, HP, and other manufacturers repairable? It doesn't matter how much of a fanboy you are; what matters is how many laptops they sell per customer because they need to sell more to make a profit and satisfy their investors.

Your laptop will last longer if they give you the option to repair it, and they will lose a sale. Recent new laptop releases reveal that there haven't been much advancements aside from the board. Therefore, if it is possible to upgrade just the motherboard, it would prevent a large amount of electronic trash from ending up in landfills.

The fact that Framework is producing entirely recyclable laptops for a sustainable future really impresses me.

They have been on my watch for more than a year, and they have made significant progress. I sincerely hope they are successful.